As a truth seeker. All I seek is truth!!! I am a truth seeker. I love this site.
Truth seeker 674
JoinedPosts by Truth seeker 674
there is more info available here than anywhere that I know.
by Truth seeker 674 inas a truth seeker.
all i seek is truth!!!
i am a truth seeker.
Rich people don't create jobs
by slimboyfat injust when i was thinking i don't like ted talks, this is an excellent take on job creation and wealth distribution.
Truth seeker 674
Do you think "Blondie" is addicted to reading Watchtowers and Awakes?
by booker-t ini remember when i was a "devout" jws i could not wait to get the new watchtowers and awakes from the wednesday nite theocratic ministry school.
i would actually salivate thinking of the new information jehovah had in the magazines for us.
i was "franatical" and i would go home still in my three piece suit and devour the magazines that very nite.
Truth seeker 674
Hey Blondie! There seems something in the human experiance that demands truth! Because of your pictrure I have pictured you young but your words seem to me to be from an older person! Peace be with you and yours.
Forum cleanup and archive
by Simon ini mentioned i was cleaning the forum archive when i bumped this thread by oompa:.
damm i miss jwd...this place will always be jwd to me.... rather than turn that into a discussion of the archive, i'll answer slimboyfat's concern here.. the things i'm clearing up are either:.
time specific and non jw related (e.g.
Truth seeker 674
Simon? What is your ultimate pupose for this web site? The Jws cut me off from my familly. I have a new familly now called mankind and my rebuilt life. I wish you or no one anywhere any harm. Please make sure you do no harm here.
My words as an apostae!
Was I too harsh?
by chrisuk inhello, first let me apologixe for both my spelling and my grammer in advance, both are not my strong points.. i'll keep this short.
since i've been a child my mother has studied on and off with jw's ( i'm now 34) so i've been around it most of my life, i studied on and off myself for around 10 years.
thank's to this site and jwfacts i'll never study or step foot inside a kingdom hall again.
Truth seeker 674
Chris wecome! I like you, no matter how bad your spelling is.
Making the Jehovah's Witnesses OWN THEIR OWN EVIL
by Terry indrunkards often scape-goat responsibility onto their drinking--as though it were morally defensible to cause accidents or death!.
serial drinking and driving is a plague on highways across the world.
drunkeness has been labeled as a "disease" and it isn't unusual.
Truth seeker 674
Terry My heart bleeds for you and I mean that. A terrible thing to have happened to your wife no matter what the reason behind it. Happy Independance Day from Canada.
Truth seeker 674
I wish a happy Independance Day to all Amereicans! Even the governing body. Your independance is comming
North American Natives, a 20,000 year legacy
by designs ina team have been testing the mitochondrial dna, maternal side, of three native tribes from the bristish columbia region against bodies from 6,000-2,500 years ago and have found matches to living persons from the nisga, tsimshian, and haida tribes.
the skeletons came from dodge island.
one of the 6000 year old skeletons matched dna from a 10,000 year old skeleton from the same region.
Truth seeker 674
designs what team tellus all about them?
Happy Double "Independence Day" and "Independent's Day" tomorrow!!!
by Gayle infor many of us, independence/independent celebration is compounded.
for me, this has become also my special celebration day of my "independence" and becoming independent from the watchtower/jw control.
extra "sparklers" for me!!
Truth seeker 674
To myt American freinds happy 4th of July from Canada
Restoring an 8th Century Painting in one of the World's Oldest Monasteries
by fulltimestudent inhere's a video of the restoration (as part of an appeal for funds, which i do not neccessarily support - except from a historical perspective).. . .
Truth seeker 674
Bible student these paintings look splendific to me. What do they say to you? I am thankfull to be living now and not in the time when these paintings were made!